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PETITIONS  to sign : 

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The TAIJI Hunt Continues:
Despite claims that the killing is swift and humane there is extensive evidence to prove otherwise. In this daily hunt, babies are torn from their mothers, many dolphins witness the slaughter of their entire families before either being taken captive or killed. The manner in which they are killed (a spear to the spinal cord which takes up to 7 minutes to die in agony) is unspeakable and inhumane. The hunt continues, hidden under tarpaulins in an attempt to conceal the slaughter, they clearly know what they are doing is wrong. Many Japanese people are becoming aware & condemning it, but most are afraid to speak out. All pleas to stop the killings are ignored by the people who have the power to stop it. The dolphin hunt is a lucrative business for the Taiji fishermen, the big money is in the captive trade supplying marine shows, with prime specimens selling for Â¥800,000 in Japan, but much more abroad. 


                               SHAME ON YOU JAPAN ! 

 While this is not illegal in Japan, the hunt has been condemned internationally as barbaric. These hunts MUST STOP if Japan is to be considered a worthy & honorable host nation.


 Petition and article here :

--------DIED in Seaworld = PRISON , Concentration camp ! ---------

Campaigns already CLOSED : 

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